Club Business and Slate Reading (virtual)

On Thursday night 6/4/2020, approximately 50 members of the Club joined our first ever Zoom meeting.  President Gale Lewis provided an update on events that have occurred since the last in-person meeting at the KC Hall on March 12.  This included a summary of the community grants, scholarships, and recognition of outstanding students and teachers that occurred this spring, although in a much different format than in years past. In a brief review of accomplishments during his term, Gale highlighted Oktoberfest (when a “crisis” meant difficulties with our tent vendor), sponsoring the return of the Lake Highlands Heroes Poster in support of Rhonda Russell and the LH Military Moms, and the honor of awarding the Book of Golden Deeds to the Walne family in December.  Gale also recognized the recent passing of long-time Club member Don Lee and acknowledged his many years of service to the Club and significant financial contributions to our scholarship efforts. Gale wrapped up his remarks by recognizing the excellent work of this year’s Board and thanking them for their hard work and perseverance.   

The program was then turned over to Past President, and Chair of the Nominating Committee, Chris Poteet.   Per our bylaws, Chris read the proposed slate of Officers and Directors for 2020 – 2021 which was the third publication of the list of nominees.  Chris made a motion to approve the slate as presented which was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.   After briefly summarizing the responsibilities of the Officers and Directors, Chris installed the 2020-2021 Board of Directors and wished them well as they assume their responsibilities on July 1.

Incoming President Chris Brown then thanked President Gale Lewis and his Board for their service and leadership during the past year and in particular in connection with guiding the Club through the first three months of the COVID crisis. Chris and the incoming Board are thankful for the Club’s support and are honored to be entrusted with the task of leading the Club into a new year under unusual circumstances.
Chris provided an outline of how he and his newly-elected Board plan on continuing the positive efforts and impact of the Club with particular emphasis on furthering our efforts to engage with and understand the concerns and needs of persons of color in our community. Chris announced that the Club would be hosting regular Zoom meetings on a bi-weekly basis during the summer (more details and dates to come) with plans to reevaluate the possibility of moving to hybrid in-person/virtual meetings and even some small community-facing social and service events designed to accommodate the needs and risk-tolerances of all members, depending on the continued easing of restrictions and any resulting impact on community health. Chris acknowledged that the current health situation has the Club’s larger community-facing events like Oktoberfest in limbo, and the Board and the committees responsible for those events are hopeful for their ability to put them on but will be conservative in making those decisions.
Chris and the new officers and directors are excited and optimistic about the year to come and are ready to get to work!