Working on no sleep from the night before, Daron Babcock from Bonton Farms came and spoke to the Club last Friday morning abouth the great work he is doing down in south Dallas. As a reminder, Bonton Farms is an urban farm that services the South Dallas community where 85% of men have been to prison, poverty is rampant and jobs are scarce. South Dallas is also a “Food Desert”, where access to healthy foods is non-existent. But, all that is changing thanks to this small urban farm whose mission is an agricultural intervention to restore lives, create jobs and ignite hope in the most forgotten and neglected neighborhoods for the most marginalized and vulnerable people. Daron’s energy and passion for interrupting the cycle of poverty for the residents of Bonton came shining through and we thank him for his continued steadfast commitment to this worthy cause. For more information, visit them at
Daron Babcock with Bonton Farms