The Exchange Club has been providing scholarship awards to graduating Seniors at LHHS for many years. The past 2023-2024 school year, the Club presented awards totaling approximately $125,000 to 56 students. We have given over $3,177,850 in awards over the past 25 plus years. Much work is put into this effort to select the deserving students. This year, Garrett Golding is our Scholarship Director and he has organized committees to review the applications, interview the finalists and make the award selections. At LHHS, Mrs. Robin Finklea will be coordinating this effort and getting the applications to the interested students. There are awards for academic achievement, working students, memorial awards, etc.
The money for these awards comes from the following:
- The funds for the academic scholarships are raised primarily from our Oktoberfest and Auction/Casino party fundraising events.
- The Luck Family Foundation provides funds for the Luck Family scholarships.
- The Austin Silva Memorial Scholarship is funded by the Austin Silva Memorial Fund.
- The Wade Smith Foundation provides funds for the Smitty’s Scholars scholarships program.
- A number of individuals, both within and outside the Club, provide the funds for the memorial scholarships and working student scholarships.
The criteria for selection are as follows:
- The Luck Family scholarships are based on criteria established by Eric and Cheri Luck.
- Working students and memorial scholarships are selected by a separate sub-committee chaired made up of Exchange Club members.
- The Academic Scholarship Committee is chaired by Garrett Golding. He will be assisted by other members of the Exchange Club to be determined at a later date. There are usually about 90 applications for these of which around 60 will be selected for interviews.
- The Austin Silva Memorial Scholarship is awarded separately based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities, community service, essay, recommendations, personal interview, and financial need.
Here is the timeline of events for 2025:
- Mid January: A video presentation will be shown to the Senior Class that will explain the criteria used to award scholarships, application details and interview process. The online application will also be open for submission.
- February 28th (midnight): Deadline for receipt of the online applications.
- End of March: After the applications are reviewed, the finalists will be determined and notified to sign-up for an interview.
- March 19th and 20th: Final applicants to be interviewed by committee members at LHHS.
- Mid April: Scholarship award recipients will be announced and notified.
- Beginning of May: Senior Awards night at LHHS – Scholarship awards will be presented by Exchange Club representatives.
- May 2nd: Exchange Club Scholarship Breakfast – 7:00AM at Lake Highlands United Methodist Church – Recipients will be introduced. Usually lasts till at least 8:30AM.
The Scholarship Breakfast is one of the most important meetings that the club has each year. We hope you will attend this as you will hear about some great young people, and you will be able to see how your efforts to raise club funds has been rewarded.
The club is always looking for additional scholarship award sponsors/contributors. Should you know of any prospective donors who might want to sponsor an award in memory of, or in honor of, someone, advise the name and contact information to [email protected]. We especially would like information on family foundations that might be interested in participating.
This is one of the most important projects that the Club undertakes each year. That is why all members need to participate and work on our fundraising events.
ECLH Scholarship Application Form – apply now